It was a full day: Inauguration Day, MLK Jr. Day, Preparing for Snow Day. Yet, Rotarians still do what we do. We enjoyed a presentation from Stephanie Clark and Cindy McDougal, NP, with Vigilant Health and Lori Banks with Ambetter about health insurance offerings for small businesses.
January 20, 2025 Rotary Club Meeting with Vigilant Health
Heather Porter
2025-01-20 06:00:00Z |
Mid Year Check
Heather Porter
2025-01-11 06:00:00Z |
Goals met!!! Thank you to all the members that made this happen!
Goals Met!
Heather Porter
2025-01-11 06:00:00Z |
When students who benefited from our Christmas for Kids effort send thank yous, Rotarians renew our commitment to do it again…bigger and better. You’re welcome, River Oaks Elementary.
Christmas for Kids Thank YOUs!
Heather Porter
2025-01-10 06:00:00Z |
Great presentation by Supervisor Kent Jones about how Harrison County is dealing with growth and development while addressing the needs of our youth and seniors.
January 6, 2025 Rotary Club Meeting with Harrison Co Supervisor Kent Jones
Heather Porter
2025-01-06 06:00:00Z |
A great meeting to wrap up 2024 in Rotary: Two neighbors who pick up lost money as they walk around their neighborhood for exercise made a donation to our Backpack Buddies project today. They and their friends match their annual findings and donate it to a worthy cause. Their donation was more than $500. Public Safety Commissioner Sean Tindell shared advancements he’s made within the Department of Public Safety including scheduling driver’s licenses renewals, MS Mobile ID app (, and overcoming a 10-year backlog of autopsies.
December 16 Rotary Club Meeting with Sean Tindell
Heather Porter
2024-12-16 06:00:00Z |
The 2024 35th Annual Christmas for Kids fundraiser is here. See below a letter explaining our projects funded by the event and the levels of sponsorship. We need your help! Click Read more... button below for letter and information. Donate with Venmo HERE or contact one of our members!
Christmas for Kids 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-11-07 06:00:00Z |
Had more questions than usual at today’s meeting for Travis Johnson, City of Gulfport Code Enforcement manager. Good to hear people passionate about making our city beautiful and clean throughout every community.
November 4 Rotary Club Meeting with Gulfport Code Enforcement Manager Travis Johnson
Heather Rowley
2024-11-04 06:00:00Z |
West Harrison High received a wonderful donation today!   Mr. Harry Piascik from the Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove delivered three large boxes of brand new clothing and personal hygiene products to support the school’s Comfort Closet! The program came about after WHHS counselor Jamie Rhodes was a guest speaker at a Rotary meeting and explained how the Comfort Closet provides assistance to students in need. The Rotary decided to sponsor the Comfort Closet at WHHS, then added Harrison Central Elementary, River Oaks Elementary, and Crossroads Elementary! Each school will receive $500 per semester to order clothes and other necessities for students. We are immensely grateful for the Rotary’s kindness, generosity, and commitment to supporting our school district! 
Comfort Closet Project @ West Harrison High School
Heather Rowley
2024-11-01 05:00:00Z |
Polio Plus Awareness Day @ Harrison Central High School
Heather Rowley
2024-10-31 05:00:00Z |
Packing lunches for November for the Backpack Buddies program. WLOX-TV with reporter Austin Johnson was in the house to do a feature on our program! Watch here:
Backpack Buddies October 30, 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-10-30 05:00:00Z |
Harry Piascik delivers items for the Comfort Closet at Crossroads Elementary today!
Comfort Closet Project @ Crossroads Elementary
Heather Rowley
2024-10-25 05:00:00Z |
The Harrison Central High School Interact club prepping for PolioPlus Day October 24! They will have a special display set up in their courtyard to not only educate other students about Polio, but also Interact and Rotary! Thank you to our Interact members! And their advisor Greg Crosby!
Interact Club @ Harrison Central High School
Heather Rowley
2024-10-21 05:00:00Z |
HCSD Superintendent William Bentz served as the guest speaker at today’s Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove meeting. Mr. Bentz focused on a variety of topics, including academic achievements, enrollment growth, safety & security upgrades, new bus communication technology, teacher recruitment & retention, community partnerships, athletics, and current and upcoming construction projects. Many thanks to the Rotary for always supporting our students and staff in HCSD and for inviting Mr. Bentz to share all the great things happening in the district!
October 21 Rotary Club Meeting with HCSD Superintendent William Bentz
Heather Rowley
2024-10-21 05:00:00Z |
Harrison Central Elementary received a wonderful donation this morning from the Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove! Rotary representative Stephen Howard dropped off brand-new clothing to support the school’s Comfort Closet. This year, the Rotary launched the Comfort Closet Project at HCE, Crossroads Elementary, River Oaks Elementary, and West Harrison High. Each school received $500 for this semester and another $500 for next semester to shop for clothing, personal hygiene products, and other necessities for students in need. Funding for the program comes from a Rotary District 6840 Grant and the Christmas for Kids Project annual fundraiser. We are truly grateful for the Rotary’s ongoing partnership to assist our students and their families! 
Comfort Closet Project @ Crossroads Elementary School
Heather Rowley
2024-10-19 05:00:00Z |
Today, Rotary representative Stephen Howard dropped off several large bags of brand-new clothing items at River Oaks Elementary. This year, the Rotary launched the Comfort Closet Project at River Oaks and three other schools in HCSD. Funding for the program comes from a Rotary District 6840 Grant and the Christmas for Kids Project annual fundraiser. River Oaks, Crossroads Elementary, Harrison Central Elementary, and West Harrison High each received $500 this semester to shop for clothing and supplies for students in need. Each school will receive another $500 next semester. We cannot thank the Rotary members enough for their kindness, generosity, and dedication to ensuring our students have clothing, personal hygiene products, and other necessities to learn and thrive. 
Comfort Closet Project @ River Oaks Elementary
Heather Rowley
2024-10-18 05:00:00Z |
A huge thank you to Gulfport Fire Chief Billy Kelley for coming to our meeting today to be our guest speaker. Did you know the Gulfport Fire Department will provide smoke/fire alarms and install at no cost? Give them a call for details! Fire Chief Kelley is pictured with our Club President R.Lee Flowers! Thank you Chief Kelley!
October 7 Rotary Club Meeting with Gulfport Fire Chief Billy Kelley
Heather Rowley
2024-10-07 05:00:00Z |
Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove Rotarians at work, prepping 240 Backpack Buddy lunch bags for the month of October. #harrisoncountyschooldistrict thank you for your help!
Backpack Buddies September 25, 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-09-25 05:00:00Z |
A huge thank you to Joe Nicholson, Congressman Mike Ezell's Chief of Staff for visiting our club today and presenting on current activities in the U. S. Congress! President-elect Angie Crawford presents Joe a gift from the club. Thank you Joe!
September 16 Rotary Club Meeting with Joe Nicholson, Congressman Mike Ezell's Chief of Staff
Heather Rowley
2024-09-16 05:00:00Z |
Pleasure to have Sarah Cortell Vandersypen, Executive Director of United MSD Foundation speak to our club. The foundation is based in Ocean Springs, MS and was begun by a Rotarian. For more information about the effort, visit
August 19 Rotary Club Meeting with Sarah Cortell Vandersypen
Heather Rowley
2024-09-13 05:00:00Z |
End of Year 2023-2024 Banquet
2024-06-21 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6840 Governors Banquet 2023-2024 Rotarian of the Year - Stephen H. Howard presented by District Governor Vicky DeBouchel Gutierrez
Rotary District 6840 Governors Banquet : 2023-2024 Rotarian of the Year
Heather Rowley
2024-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Serving our famous Orange Julius at District 6840 Conference food fest!
District 6840 Conference Food Fest - Orange Julius
Heather Rowley
2024-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6840 2024 District Conference. District Rotarians wirh 25 years or more of Service were recognized. Steve Howard honored for 36 years of Rotary Service. Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove celebrates 39 years of service on May 10, 2024!
Rotary District 6840 2024 District Conference
Heather Rowley
2024-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Packing bags and celebrating Ralph Anderson's April 25 birthday! Let's just say he has has had a few! Happy Birthday, Ralph! Thank you for your service today! Service and fellowship!
Backpack Buddies April 24, 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6840 Spring Team Training with Angie Crawford Richard Kosloski, Harry Piascik and Stephen H. Howard in Kiln, Mississippi! Doin the Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove Deal!
Rotary District 6840 Spring Team Training
Heather Rowley
2024-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Bonjour! Please enjoy this press article about the rotary club île de ré and the association "Ré Nature Environnement" and sea mammals, in French! RCGOG has connected with the Rotary club Ile de Ré as partners financially in favor of marine mammals (dolphins, seals....) who spend some time around the Ré island coasts and are found sometimes dead or wounded on the beaches. The "Ré Nature Environnement" association is specially dedicated to the sea animals rescue on the island of Ré, to save them.
Ces mammiferes marins qui peuplent nos pertuis
Heather Rowley
2024-04-22 05:00:00Z |
We were honored to have William Carey University's President Ben Burnett to share the history and the vision for Carey!
Ben Burnett, Guest speaker on April 16, 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-04-16 05:00:00Z |
Huge shout out and thank you to all of our volunteers today for their assistance in assembling 300 plus weekend lunch bags for the children at three Harrison County School District MS schools! Our Backpack Buddie program is a huge success, serving over 3000 meals this Rotary Year alone. We love to be of service! And our projects allows us to give back to those in need.
Backpack Buddies March 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Rotary District 6840 District Team Training on March 23, 2024! RCGOG President Steve Howard was present and accounted!
Rotary District 6840 District Team Training
Heather Rowley
2024-04-15 05:00:00Z |

On March 18, 2024, our guest speaker was Alix Dearing, Executive Director of Coastal Operations of the Pine Belt Mental Health Association. Mrs. Dearing has worked in mental health and social services on the coast for several years where she served in a variety of positions including Program Manager, Clinical Director, and Patient Advocate of Social Services. She has also served as a Liaison to the Chancery Court, Therapist, and Gero Psych Social Worker. She previously worked for PBMHR as a day treatment specialist, clinician, and a member of the on-call team. Thank you Mrs. Dearing for sharing your expertise with us!
Alix Dearing, Guest speaker on March 18, 2024
Heather Rowley
2024-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Guest speaker Jamie Rhodes shares topics that some high school students face, including bullying, homelessness, and other mental health related issues at March 4 Rotary meeting. Thank you for sharing with us, but thank you more for your work with these students!
West Harrison High School's Jamie Rhodes visits with RCGOG
Heather Rowley
2024-03-12 05:00:00Z |
Members Nicole Roberts Faubare and R. Lee Flowers reading to students at local elementary schools in recognition of Read Across America!
Read Across America
Heather Rowley
2024-03-12 05:00:00Z |
Angie Crawford representing at President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) in Natchez, MS!
President Elect Training Seminar
Heather Rowley
2024-03-12 05:00:00Z |
The Rotary Club of Gulfport-Orange Grove's Rotarian of the Second Quarter was presented to Heather Rowley at the February 5, 2024 meeting! Heather is the Administrator at Singing River Gulfport Hospital and Secretary-elect 2024-2025 for our club! Congratulations and thank you so much for all you do!
Rotarian of the Second Quarter
Heather Rowley
2024-02-27 06:00:00Z |